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Three Things You Didn’t Know About Escorts

Although the essence of what you receive when you speak to a Chennai escort agency is not much different from when you hire a prostitute, there are some big differences. Top escort agencies in Chennai restrict their hires to women who do not have any drug issues and who are presentable and attractive because they are aware that men who hire escorts are usually more discerning than those who will go to bed with any prostitute. The men usually want more than a good experience in bed, they are looking for a great experience with someone who likes dinner and drinks.

Paying women for sleeping with you is prevalent, more so than you imagine. A 1992 survey in the U.S. revealed that every one in five males in the country had paid for prostitutes or Chennai escorts at least once in their lives. The true figure can be even higher because many men do not want to disclose their reality.Despite such prevalence, escorts remain a mystery for many men. This blog attempts to set things right. It tells you three things you did not know about escorts.

Escorts Are Rated Online

There is not a dearth of experts or gurus online. They comment on everything, including escort services in Chennai. It should not come as a surprise to you that the practice of rating and offering advice on choosing escorts has exploded on the internet. There are places where you can sort Chennai agencies’ escorts by rating.

Escorts Go On Tours

While statistics for Chennai are not available, touring entire cities with Meenambakkam escorts is a common phenomenon in many Western European countries, where more than a few women travel a long distance to supplement their incomes. These women are usually from economically disadvantaged countries, such as Hungary and Ukraine, and come to Germany and France to make a lot of money.

Escorts Can Make Plenty of Money   

The top escorts in Chennai pull in more than INR15000-20000/day. They are exceptional and cater to only a selected set of men. This is a respectable figure by any standards.

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Three Things You Didn’t Know About Escorts Three Things You Didn’t Know About Escorts Reviewed by soniya ayer on 21:40 Rating: 5

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